Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Projection of a project

Project Outline

I. Introduction to Framework:

1) A Brief History of the Environmental Justice Movement

a) Environmentalism meets Civil Rights

b) 1970’s the birth of modern green politics

c) 1980’s theoretical framework for discourse on environmental equity

d) Inequity

II. Background relations between Hopi and Peabody Energy:

1) The impact of Peabody Coal and their Black Mesa Mine on the Hopi Indians in Northern Arizona between 1966 and 2005

a) 1966 initial contract: The misrepresentation of the Hopi

b) Operation of the Black Mesa Mine: A model of Unsustainability

c) The Environmental Impacts of the Black Mesa Mine

d) Public Backlash: The Entry of Activists into the dilemma

III. The Hopi’s Blackest Mesa: 2005- the present

1) The economic and environmental debris left by Peabody Energy.

a) The capitalist model of economic growth: Peabody Energy’s growing profit

b) The economic aftermath of mine-closing: Hopi Job loss in a largely unemployed region

c) The Environmental aftermath of mine-closing: Aquifer depletion in a largely arid region

d) First-person Accounts

IV. The Future Impacts of the Hopi on the Energy Sector:

1) Current attempts to continue coal mining and Hopi proponents for sustainability.

a) Recent attempts to reopen closed mines: Mohave power plant

b) Demands for energy

c) Hopi organizations promoting solar alternatives

V. Conclusions:

1) Inequities

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